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Hubbing Training Connecting Multiplying


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“Hubbing” – A Prayer Network Strategy for the Electronic Age


Basic Concept:  To set up a number of Hubbers who will be persons who in turn set up additional Hubbers under them, and these additional Hubbers will also set up Hubbers under them, and so forth.  This is using the concept of multiplication for the administration and personalization of the prayer network.  How will this work?


Ø       Our Prayer Network Strategist will recruit and train at least 100 Hubbers by the end of 2005.  These Hubbers will come from established team members’ networks, from existing church based networks, and new contacts being made as our team members continue to network throughout 2004 and 2005.

Ø       These Hubbers will establish networks of 10 to 500 people who agree to pray for strategic requests that we send them.  They will be responsible to forward these petitions and praise reports to their networks, and they will maintain and update their networks as needed.

Ø       These Hubbers will also seek to recruit and train at least 2 to 3 or more additional Hubbers.  We will provide some suggestions and filtering guides to help Hubbers find next generation Hubbers - like looking for persons who are geographically distant and do not share the same common networks as the initial Hubber.  They will teach their Hubbers to do the same and so on down the line.  As we begin to see generations of Hubbers a multiplication of petitioners will be recruited with a vision for the unengaged and unchurched peoples of the world. 

Ø       100 Hubbers will add 200 to 300 more Hubbers.  Those 200 new Hubbers will add 400 to 900 more Hubbers, etc.  For example – if each Hubber were to multiply themselves by 2 then 100 Hubbers + (x2) 200 Hubbers + (x2) 400 Hubbers would equal 700 Hubbers after 3 generations.  This is not just 700 people, but 700 networks.  If each network averages 25 people, then this would be 17,500 petitioners.  At times three (x3) with 3 generations it would equal 1300 Hubbers and 32,500 petitioners.  Five generations at x3 would equal 12,100 Hubbers and 302,500 petitioners.  And this is the case when those first Hubbers only recruit and train 3  more Hubbers.  Just think if they continue adding new Hubbers every 3 to 12 months.  If they were to continue to have new litters, then this figure would be even greater.  You get the picture.  At 6 generation with an x3 ratio we would have 36,400 Hubbers and 910,000 petitioners.  If the average network size increased from 25 to 27.5 petitioners per hub, at 6 generations x3 we would have reached a network of prayer warriors the size of more than 1 million petitioners. 

Ø       At 6 generations it is feasible that petitions be distributed to all 1 million petitioners within 6 days time if not sooner, one generation a day.


Form of E-mail-outs:  Petitions will be relayed electronically on a scheduled basis.  They will be put in the form of a prayer so that as a person read them they will be praying them.  Those who feel led can then put in extended time to pray further for the requests.  Urgent requests will be submitted and relayed ASAP and not subject to the schedule.



Ø       There is no way that one person or even a small number of people can effectively manage a network of over a million people.

Ø       Each Hubber essentially becomes a trained Prayer Network Strategist who can benefit more than just this network.

Ø       Hubbers become key contact people for our team members when we travel to their cities and churches.

Ø       There is a personal touch added as each Hubber will have a relationship with the Hubber they extend out from.

Ø       It will be easy to track the growth and number of Hubbers and petitioners as numbers can easily be past back up the line and accumulated.

Ø       It is a form of church planting movement training as the Hubbers begin to realize that this strategy not only works for prayer, but also for expanding the kingdom of God.

Ø       It holds true to the principle that reproduction is natural and God’s divine strategy.

Ø       If trained right these Hubbers will continue to hub whether with us or for other Great Commission Christian focused ministries, areas and needs.  We are not teaching people how to pray, but how to network their prayers with other effective prayer warriors, and focus God’s over-flowing grace on a harvest field and a growing harvest force.


This is a day where e-mail and the global use of English makes this type of strategy a reality for connecting the masses of petitioners.  Even those who still do not have e-mail can participate by being connected through a local Hub-friend or petitioner who can receive e-mail.  And there is nothing that says a Hubber cannot translate the petitions into other languages and multiply it along all language networks. 



q         Hub – is a person who receives the information and sends it out to a number of petitoners they correspond with.

q         Hubber – is a person who does the work of a hub, and in addition recruits and trains some of his or her petitioners to be Hubs and Hubbers.



Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

I would like to receive your prayer newsletter for Hamburg.
I am interested in becoming an active participant in your prayer network by becoming a Hub.  I will find 5 or more other persons who I will enlist to pray and share your prayer newsletter with.
I am very interested in becoming a Hubber.  I would like to receive more information and possibly some additional training.  I will enlist 5 or more people to pray and share your prayer newsletter with and I will train 1 or more persons to become Hubs and/or Hubbers.




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Last modified: March 07, 2006